What is a River - Lake - Pond

Heating & Air Conditioning System


By utilizing the geothermal heat exchange between the river, lake, or pond and the waters changing temperature you can have one of the highest energy saving heating & air conditioning systems.

The River, Lake, or Pond is one of our Hybrid Geothermal solutions and utilizing several zones is no problem. By utilizing the geothermal heat exchange between the river, lake, or pond and the waters changing temperature we can solve the high energy consumption that exist with air cooled HVAC systems. If you have access to one of these, you are very fortunate and can take advantage of it by having the best HVAC energy efficient systems. For new construction or Retro Fitting remember we can sub cool the refrigerant utilizing one of our products. Geothermal loops using water source heat pumps are considered the most energy efficient solution.

Truly is one of the most energy efficient solutions we offer and  will save you real money. This type of application, in this economy, would be the best investment you will make to  reduce energy consumption. 

Old and new conventional Air cooled HVAC systems are designed as a one size fits all. We have always known trying to cool hot refrigerant coils with air just does not work efficiently.


With today's high energy prices, high peek demand charges, and high maintenance charges, makes our products an essential solution. We make comfort affordable.

Retro Fitting is thinking





Thermco Energy Systems

Several Units may be used on 1 Exchanger